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  • Writer's pictureChelsea

Dream a little dream..

Is this even real? Every twist, turn, meltdown, revelation and heartache has led me right here. In this chair, inside the house of my dreams, sun beaming in the window, coffee in hand, smile on my face, a knowing in my heart. I am just allowing myself to flow along with life, sometimes I forget and float away for a little while, but that's what I do, and I accept that about myself (at long last!). If I didn't know what being out of the flow was like, I wouldn't recognize when I'm in the flow at all. What is flow? You know, that allowing. That life is where it is, what it is, and all of the beauty of it all is everywhere in those rose colored glasses. The remembering of who we really are. Beautiful, purposeful, create the life you want, human beings! It's when I stopped fighting the stream and started to pay attention to how I react to my life and its experiences that I experienced a wave of peace within me. When I stop myself mid conversation because I realize I am coming from a place of ego and not soul. Laughing because I am happy to recognize this and know that I can redirect my thoughts. I love those moments!

For about 5 years now I had been envisioning and dreaming about hosting and filling my life up with retreats with like minded women, my tribe, ready to expand and grow from the inside out. I had so much doubt that this was possible with thoughts like "I can't do this! People won't take me seriously" "What can iiii possibly offer", "you're not good enough", "Where is the money going to come from?" Yet, despite my fleeting fears, it is all happening.

All I had to do was dream a little dream...

Never alone,


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