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  • Writer's pictureChelsea

Howling at the moon...

I just have to share a little magic from my full moon evening. I had such a beautiful time connecting with so many of you with the Journey Of Love cards. Their messages are so moving!

All cozied up and ready for my evening, view of the moon, lights down low, a little high (grounds me), tea in hand, diffuser diffusing, I headed to my meditation space to dive into these readings with you beautiful souls. As i walked through the door a sense of being exactly where I needed to be swept over me. I looked around at the space that I've created in, holy shit. This is really happening. I feel so deeply connected to who I really am and have no doubt in my mind that I am on my divine path. I felt overcome with appreciation at the stillness in my life right now.

I spend most of my year chasing moments with my camera in hand (DreamCatcher Photography) and by the time January and February roll around (slowest time of year), I can become restless and slightly depressed. This year I decided that I would take the down time to grow my passion and deepen my connection to my self by just getting in the flow and allowing life to unfold. Effortlessly, full of grace. I'm deeply in love with what's unraveling. I have never felt more passionate or connected to my very soul.

No more hiding. This is me.

So I say, just be and watch the magic unfold around you.

First ever workshop in my new space this weekend!! If you are ready and feel a pull towards releasing limiting beliefs, there's two spaces left!


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