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  • Writer's pictureChelsea

The breaking.

Lessons in love around us all constantly, we ARE love..even in the ugliness and resistance. For many years now I have felt like I've had to work for my relationships, like surely I had to put the effort in within the forms of gifts, thoughtful gestures, advice, "rescuing" friends and family and making sacrifices to have won the affection of another, to feel seen and valuable. I've noticed this has had an opposite effect. My neediness to be seen has repelled. My only feeling value when I can be of service brings only takers to my door. My soul is craving, calling out for and therefore receiving balance. I realized that in letting go of this expectation of myself I peeled back the layers to reveal a more authentic me, I feel as if I've been cracked wide open. I had this forgiveness move through my whole body while I was practicing my yoga last week and allowed myself to sob my way to the end. Forgiveness for not loving myself enough to realize that love needs no footwork, love just is. The breaking is so beautiful.

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